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I find the act of drawing together to be an incredible tool for connection. There are many ways that humans can engage in the drawing process together. Sometimes sitting and drawing on the same table together can allow for everyone to carve out a space where we feel free to be ourselves while exploring conversation and connection. Somtimes they can be drawings passed back and forth where the coversation between the artists layer over time. Drawing Together is a tool that can be used with both artists and “non” artists alike. It can be done in a short format or a long format but the act of drawing together always creates connection. I am in the process of building programs and workshops to explore how exercises, both small and large, of drawing together can be used and implemented as tool for team building techniques, icebreakers that cut quickly to vulnerability and connection, entry points for group conhesion and connection, and developing leadership skills. I am currently developing these techniques through Artasorri, Grassroots Community Space, and The Yall Art Project. To support my research & development of these techniques and how to implement them- you can purchase my coloring book Draw With Me. You can have a little draw around my world and show me how you see it. I find coloring books to be quite relaxing and I would love to have you relax to the flow of my visual language that just sort of always burst out of me. Thank you to all that have purchased so far and for sending me pictures of how you colored them. I love seeing them and I hope you enjoy it! All project updates and findings will be found as a common thread through all the sections of my Community Projects Page.
